Independent and objective reviews are very helpful for people who are considering booking a holiday at a particular locations. If you have had a holiday at Les Sables du Midi then we would really appreciate it if you could spend a few moments to tell us all about it.
If there are any places to see that are worth seeing then please include those in your review. Basicially, we would love to hear about anything that would help a fellow holidaymaker to get the most out of our sites and their holiday
Please read the following notes before submitting a review
Every review is manually checked before being made live to ensure that meets the following criteria
- It has been submitted by a real person, sadly many reviews are submitted by spammers with reviews that contain random text or other useless rubbish.
- the review is genuine and useful to our visitors.
- the review is balanced - we do sometimes get reviews that are insulting, probably submitted by the owner, rants and other elements that make the review inappropriate to use on our sites.
We know the value that people place on objective reviews when deciding to book a holiday so we really appreciate your time in sharing your thoughts.
We share reviews that are submitted to us on our other sites as well