Whitehouse Leisure Parks - Conwy

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Whitehouse Leisure Parks  

Contact Whitehouse Leisure Parks, Abergele

Phone: 01745 832112


On this page you will find location information for Whitehouse Leisure Parks. This includes maps (where possible), address and contact information, local weather forecast for the next 5 days to give you an idea of how the weather in Abergele compares to home and plenty more.

Address details for Whitehouse Leisure Parks

Towyn Road, Abergele, Conwy. LL22 9EY

Location Map



Please note that positions on the map are just a guide and may not always be accurate.

The local area around Whitehouse Leisure Parks & Conwy

Other Holiday Parks in the Local area

Alpine Lodge Alpine Lodge in Abergele. Beautifully positioned between the remarkable Vale of Clwyd and the outstanding Conwy Valley, the tranquil village of Rhyd-y-Foel is just one mile from amazing sandy beaches that link the well-known coastal resorts of Abergele and Colwyn Bay. With wide, expansive beaches, the area is renowned for offering safe bathing waters and exceptional water-sports facilities. There is also a great number of walking trails, including the Offa's Dyke pathway and the Clwydian Hill Range. Bodelwyddan, Rhuddlan and Conwy castles are all within easy distance and are worth visiting, as is the Victorian town of Llandudno for its quality shops, restaurants, fantastic dry ski slope and exciting cable car rides. With so much to see and do in the local area, visitors to Rhyd-y-Foel will be spoiled for choice.. More Information
Owen's Caravan Park Owen's Caravan Park in Abergele. Located on the beautiful north Wales coastline, the park caters for both static and touring caravans. More Information
Beach Caravan & Chalet Park Beach Caravan & Chalet Park in Abergele. . More Information
Abbeyford Caravan Park Abbeyford Caravan Park in Abergele. Abbeyford Caravan Park is situated on the coast road between Abergele and Rhyl and within easy reach of Snowdonia National Park and the beautiful Isle of Anglesey. . More Information
Pen Isaf Caravan Park Pen Isaf Caravan Park in Abergele. The owner of this site has not yet submitted a description. More Information


Important note: Information provided here about Whitehouse Leisure Parks is based on our best knowledge. However, please check with Whitehouse Leisure Parks before booking to ensure that you have the information required. Reviews are the sole views of the contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of gocaravanning.com or Whitehouse Leisure Parks.