Contact Il Collaccio, Castelvecchio di Preci
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On this page you will find location information for Il Collaccio. This includes maps (where possible), address and contact information, local weather forecast for the next 5 days to give you an idea of how the weather in Castelvecchio di Preci compares to home and plenty more.
Address details for Il Collaccio
, Castelvecchio di Preci, Lazio. Location Map
Please note that positions on the map are just a guide and may not always be accurate.
The local area around Il Collaccio & Lazio
Cascate delle Marmore
The highest waterfall in Europe at 160 metres. A variety of sports on offer in the vicinity and a number of walking routes. Picnic area with a tea room.
The Sibillini National Park
The Monti Sibillini are the most striking mountains in the Apennines. The are is now a protected National Park and has a host of rare wildflowers and orchids. There is a panoramic drive from Monte Monaco along the crest of the 2175m Monte Sibilla.
Citta della Domenica
At the zoo at Citta della Domenica, the animals live in their natural environment in order to allow you to experience the animals up close. The more dangerous big cats for example have large pens. There is a separate reptile house plus many nature trails to allow you to escape other visitors!
Other Holiday Parks in the Local area
Lido Camping Village in Bolsena. Lido Camping Village is a lovely four star camp site in a parkland setting. The luxurious appearance makes the holiday feeling complete. Lido Camp Site is right on Lake Bolsena which is perfect for sw?. More Information |
Campsite Europing 2000 srl in Tarquinia. Europing 2000 is a friendly campsite by the beach on Italy's west coast. (Tarquinia is located in the Lazio region near Rome). This camping location is surrounded by beautiful pine forests so that you?. More Information |
Campsite Roma Capitol in Rome. Four-star campsite Roma Capitol has a strategic location between the Mediterranean sea and Rome. This new campsite is right in the middle of the Pineta di Castel Fusano natural area and is the perfect?. More Information |
Camping Village Fabulous in Rome. Fabulous Camping Village is located in the middle of a natural area half way between Rome and the seaside resort of Ostia. You will find a refreshingly cool atmosphere among the centuries old pine tre?. More Information |
Campsite I Pini Family Park in Fiano Romano. I Pini camp site is the perfect base if you are looking for a good family camp site close to Rome. I Pini Family Park caters mostly to children which makes it an ideal holiday destination for the whol?. More Information |
Important note: Information provided here about Il Collaccio is based on our best knowledge. However, please check with Il Collaccio before booking to ensure that you have the information required. Reviews are the sole views of the contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of gocaravanning.com or Il Collaccio.