Contact La Baume - Eurocamp, Frejus
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On this page you will find location information for La Baume - Eurocamp. This includes maps (where possible), address and contact information, local weather forecast for the next 5 days to give you an idea of how the weather in Frejus compares to home and plenty more.
Address details for La Baume - Eurocamp
Route de Bagnols, Frejus, Riviera. 83618 Location Map
Please note that positions on the map are just a guide and may not always be accurate.
The local area around La Baume - Eurocamp & Provence Cote d'Azur
Marineland at Antibes
Number 1 sea world in Europe: shows, aquariums, animals
Aqualand Frejus
The largest waterpark on the Côte d'Azur with the biggest wave pool in Europe and the 'Terrible Twister' - a unique waterslide
Parc Zoologique de Frejus
Established in 1971 on 50 acres of natural Mediterranean woodland. Discover more than 130 different species from all of the continents, from mammals to birds and reptiles. Various exhibitions by the trainees encourage audience participation
Grottes De Baume Obscure
Discover the most beautiful caves of the region 70 metres below the surface. Over 700 metres of paths through a series of spectacular caves. The tour lasts for about 1 hour
Closed Mondays in low season
Aquavision d'Agay
Underwater viewing trip on a glassbottomed boat. 45 minute journey.
Musee Archeologique Municipal
Founded at the end of the 19th Century, this museum in the town hall possesses a rich collection of Roman archeological pieces.
Grand Canyon du Verdon
The French "Grand Canyon". Spectacular views with the river Verdon running along the bottom of the gorge from Castellane to the Lac de Ste Croix. Length 21kms, depth 200-700m. 6-8 hours descent for experienced rafters only. The road from Castellane passes through woods & fields of lavender used in the perfumeries at Grasse through to Moustiers-Ste. Marie on the D952.
Through the glass-bottom hull of this boat you can view 14 metres deep into the Mediterranean and admire the marine life on the sea bed around Cap d'Antibes. On deck discover the breathtaking coastline as you cruise past the cliffs with their luxury hotels and exclusive villas. Journey time of about 1 hour, with commentary
Other Holiday Parks in the Local area
Campsite Camping de Berard in Grimaud. . More Information |
Camping RCN Les Collines de Castellane in Castellane. Camping RCN Les Collines de Castellane is a comfortable campsite close to Gorges du Verdon, Europe's Grand Canyon. The fantastic location between the French Alps and Cote d'Azur is perfect for interes?. More Information |
Campsite Sandaya Douce Quietude in Saint-Rapha?l. The five-star campsite Douce Quietude - Sandaya is located in Saint-Rapha?l on the Cote d'Azur, less than 10 minutes away from the Mediterranean coast. The campsite lies in a forested area on the edge?. More Information |
Campsite Sandaya Domaine du Verdon in Castellane. Camping Domaine du Verdon is located in one of the most beautiful places you will find in France, right on the River Verdon renowned for its spectacular canyons, the Gorges du Verdon.
The 4 star cam?. More Information |
Campsite Parc Saint-James Parc Montana in Gassin. Camping Parc Saint-James Gassin is a densely wooded family camp site with views of the Bay of St-Tropez, just below the lovely town of Gassin. The beach is only 3 km away so you can go to the seaside ?. More Information |
Important note: Information provided here about La Baume - Eurocamp is based on our best knowledge. However, please check with La Baume - Eurocamp before booking to ensure that you have the information required. Reviews are the sole views of the contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of gocaravanning.com or La Baume - Eurocamp.