Contact Eden, Portese di San Felice del Benaco
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On this page you will find location information for Eden. This includes maps (where possible), address and contact information, local weather forecast for the next 5 days to give you an idea of how the weather in Portese di San Felice del Benaco compares to home and plenty more.
Address details for Eden
, Portese di San Felice del Benaco, Italian Lakes. Location Map
Please note that positions on the map are just a guide and may not always be accurate.
The local area around Eden & Italian Lakes
Nearby activities
Bicycle hire 9 km
Horse riding 18 km
Canoeing, sailing and windsurfing 10 km
Boat trips around the lake from Portese 2 km
Scuba diving 12 km
Golf (9 and 18 holes) 5 km
Romantic Salò with cobbled streets and bustling market 2 miles
Verona, the city of Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet and the famous Arena 20 miles
Gardaland 15 miles
Sirmione with its sulphur springs 16 miles
Antique villas and great shops 11 miles
Venice’s canals, St Mark’s Square and medieval splendour 100 miles
Other Holiday Parks in the Local area
Campsite Solcio in Solcio. Solcio campsite is located on the picturesque Lake Maggiore, in a peaceful inlet between Stresa and Arona. The comfortable campsite has pitches on grassy terrain with plenty of shade. The campsite has?. More Information |
Camping Eden in Lake Garda. Camping Eden is something special. Set in a series of steep terraces on the western banks of Lake Garda, many of our grassy emplacements offer uninterrupted views over the sparkling lake. With shade provided from the hot sun by gnarled olive and cypress trees, this is an idyllic setting in which to unwind and relax.
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Camping San Francesco in Lake Garda. Camping San Francesco sits on the southern banks of glorious Lake Garda, close to the Sirmione peninsula. Divided in two by a small road with an underpass for pedestrians, the main attraction here is the superb pool complex, where there is a large swimming pool, a separate pool for the children and a jacuzzi.
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Altomincio Family Park in Lake Garda . Altomincio Family Park is a lively site located four miles south of beautiful Lake Garda. This is an excellent choice a family holiday - the campsite is designed especially with children in mind, and is a car-free haven, with plenty of activities to keep everyone amused. . More Information |
Camping Piantelle in Lake Garda. Camping Piantelle is a welcoming family-run site, located on the south shores of Lake Garda. The campsite is just a short walk from the picturesque lakeside town of Moniga del Garda. The site has direct access to a beach and jetty where the crystal waters are ideal for swimming and canoeing.
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Important note: Information provided here about Eden is based on our best knowledge. However, please check with Eden before booking to ensure that you have the information required. Reviews are the sole views of the contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of gocaravanning.com or Eden.