On this page you will find location information for Cambrils Park. This includes maps (where possible), address and contact information, local weather forecast for the next 5 days to give you an idea of how the weather in Salou compares to home and plenty more.
Address details for Cambrils Park
Cambrils, Salou, Costa Dorada. Spain 43850 Location Map
Please note that positions on the map are just a guide and may not always be accurate.
The local area around Cambrils Park & Costa Dorada
Cambrils Park is located at the end of a quiet road, a two mile walk or drive from the lively resort of Salou, where you will find an excellent range of facilities and a superb beach. In the other direction is the quieter fishing port and seaside town of Cambrils (2.5mls). The nearest beach is one mile away, across a busy road. This is an ideal spot to unwind with beautiful golden sand, backed by a long promenade.
The whole family will enjoy a visit to PortAventura, a superb theme park only a ten minute drive from the site. If you enjoy getting soaked then head for the Aquipolis waterpark at La Pineda (3mls) for hours of fun in the water.
Other Holiday Parks in the Local area
Cambrils Park in Salou. Cambrils Park is an immaculately presented campsite, ideal for a fun-filled family holiday. The roads are lined with palm trees and pampas grass, and emplacements are located near to the first class facilities, of which the lagoon style pool complex is undoubtedly the focal point.
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Camping Park Playa Bara in Tarragona. Camping Park Playa Bara, situated on the Costa Dorada, is a beautifully maintained lively site with a Mediterranean flavour. The central avenue is lined with palm trees, colourful flowers and cool ceramic tiled benches and leads to a beautiful sandy beach.
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Cambrils Park in Salou. Palm-fringed pools and excellent facilities make Cambrils Park one of our best-sellers, year after year.
Cambrils Park is very attractive, with the pool complex very much a centrepiece.
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Camping Sanguli in Salou. Palm-fringed pools or sun kissed playa, Sanguli is Mediterranean parc paradise - from well laid out emplacements to an enormous Roman style amphitheatre, a fitting stage for music and magic under a starlit sky. . More Information |
Park Playa Bara in Tarragona. With its superb pool complex, beautiful setting and nearby beach, it's no onder that this is such a popular choice.
The pool complex is outstanding and a superb beach lies close by. Park Playa Bara is one of our most popular parcs, for many reasons.
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