Lakeland Leisure Park - Cumbria

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Lakeland Leisure Park  

Contact Lakeland Leisure Park, Flookburgh

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On this page you will find location information for Lakeland Leisure Park. This includes maps (where possible), address and contact information, local weather forecast for the next 5 days to give you an idea of how the weather in Flookburgh compares to home and plenty more.

Address details for Lakeland Leisure Park

Moor Lane, Flookburgh, Cumbria. LA11 7LT

Location Map



Please note that positions on the map are just a guide and may not always be accurate.

The local area around Lakeland Leisure Park & Cumbria

Lakeland Leisure Park

This park Only 20 minutes from a cruise on Lake Windermere and its scenic splendours. Close by is Ulverston, a town ideal base for touring mountains of the Lake District and the waters of Morecambe Bay.

The Lake District National Park is famous for its stunning scenery, abundant wildlife and cultural heritage. Enjoy a family ramble with a glorious backdrop of the Lake District National Park.

The tranquillity of the fells, valleys and lakes give a sense of space and freedom and a release from the pressures of modern day life. These stretches of water are nationally important for their range of habitats, and species such as Vendace, Charr, Crayfish and Schelly. While the natural woodlands add texture, colour and variety to the landscape and also provide a home for native animals and plants.

Holker Hill a popular tourist attraction has a hall, gardens and the Lakeland Motor Museum or why not take a trip on steam trains through the spectacular Haver Valley with the Haverthwaite Railway.

Other Holiday Parks in the Local area

Lakeland Leisure Park Lakeland Leisure Park in Flookburgh. The southern end of The Lakes offers an altogether softer and calmer landscape. Here there are woodland walks and bike rides, and only 20 minutes away lies Windermere, the gateway to breathtaking scenery, wonderful tours and attractions. For a truly green, relaxing and revitalising family holiday, you'll love Lakeland.. More Information
Millbrook Caravan Park Millbrook Caravan Park in Kendal. The owner of this site has not yet submitted a description. More Information
Orton Grange Caravan Park Orton Grange Caravan Park in Carlisle. . More Information
Robin Hood Caravan Park Robin Hood Caravan Park in Keswick. The owner of this site has not yet submitted a description. More Information
Cove Caravan & Camping Park Cove Caravan & Camping Park in Penrith. . More Information


Important note: Information provided here about Lakeland Leisure Park is based on our best knowledge. However, please check with Lakeland Leisure Park before booking to ensure that you have the information required. Reviews are the sole views of the contributor and do not necessarily represent the views of or Lakeland Leisure Park.